Source: White Beth-root
A general haemorrhagic medicine, with great faintness and dizziness. Chronic diarrhea of bloody mucus. Uterine haemorrhage. Threatened abortion. Relaxation of pelvic region. Cramp-like pains. Phthisis with purulent and copious expectoration and spitting of blood.
–Pain in forehead; worse, noise. Confused; eyeballs feel too large. Vision blurred; everything looks bluish. Nose-bleed (Millef; Melilot).
–Haemorrhage from gums. Bleeding after tooth extraction.
–Heat and burning stomach rising up in esophagus. Haematemesis.
–Chronic diarrhea; discharge bloody. Dysentery,; passage almost pure blood.
–Uterine haemorrhages, with sensation as though hips and back were falling to pieces; better tight bandages. Gushing of bright blood on least movement. Haemorrhage from fibroids (Calc; Nitr ac; Phos; Sulph ac). Prolapse, with great bearing-down. Leucorrhea copious, yellow, stringy (Hydras; Kali b; Sabin). Metrorrhagia at climacteric. Lochia suddenly becomes sanguinous. Dribbling of urine after labor.
–Cough, with spitting of blood. Copious, purulent expectoration. Haemoptysis. Aching at end of sternum. Suffocative attack of irregular breathing with sneezing. Shooting pains through chest.
–Compare: Trillium cernum (eye symptoms; everything looks bluish; greasy feeling in mouth); Ficus (haemorrhages; menorrhagia, haematuria, epistaxis, Haematemesis, bleeding piles); Sanguisuga-Leech–(haemorrhages; bleeding from anus). Ipec; Sab; Lach; Hamam.
–Tincture and lower potencies.
Disclaimer: The description given here is only for educational purpose, which has been extracted from multiple books related to homeopathy; and must not be considered as substitute to any medical consultation/prescription of qualified doctors. It must not be used for any medico-legal purpose. Medicines Mall or any of its associates, directors, employees will not be responsible for the authenticity of the contents or for any mistake.
Patient must take proper advice of qualified doctors before taking any dose of this medicine, as self medication may be harmful.
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