Source: Fresh-water Sponge
Soreness of muscles and integuments; worse motion and friction of clothes, with sensitiveness to cold. Glands swollen. General paresis. Basedow’s disease. Lues, bubo, roseola.
–Sensation of enlargement and fullness. Pain in forehead and temple, extending to eyeballs, worse in afternoon. Blueness under eyes. Dandruff; scalp sore, dry, tetter-like. Dull, dizzy feeling in head. Coryza, sneezing, watery discharge, with asthmatic breathing and suffocative cough. Influenza. Slight sounds are greatly accentuated.
–Twitching of left upper lid; eyeballs tender; aching in eyeballs. Intermittent sore pain in eyeball, coming on at 3 pm.
–Cough; worse in afternoon, better in warm room. The mucus flies out of mouth and nostrils. Whooping-cough, with thick yellow expectoration; flies out. Hay-fever, with asthmatic breathing. Pleuritic stitches in chest, neck, and back.
–Mouth hot. Much thirst. Lancinating pain in pit of stomach extending to vertebra and scapula.
–Metrorrhagia; worse at night, with feeling of enlargement of head (Arg). Cancer of breast (Asterias; Con; Carbo an; Plumb iod).
–Indescribable bad feeling about the heart with soreness and pain, flying stitches all over.
–Sore to touch. Freckles. Rhagades.
–Stitches in nape, scapulae. Pain in small of back, hips and lower limbs. Very stiff neck. Muscles and skin sore, as if beaten.
–Worse by cold. Better, by heat.
–Compare: Merc similar but opposite modalities. Spongia; Kali hyd; Phytol; Conium. Complementary: Sulph; Merc; Iod.
–First to sixth attenuation.
Disclaimer: The description given here is only for educational purpose, which has been extracted from multiple books related to homeopathy; and must not be considered as substitute to any medical consultation/prescription of qualified doctors. It must not be used for any medico-legal purpose. Medicines Mall or any of its associates, directors, employees will not be responsible for the authenticity of the contents or for any mistake.
Patient must take proper advice of qualified doctors before taking any dose of this medicine, as self medication may be harmful.
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