Asthma Attack
Asthma attacks occur for a variety of reasons, and you can enhance the treatment of asthma attacks with specific homeopathic remedies tailored to the type of attack it is. Explore effective homeopathy asthma attack treatment for personalized relief.
Arsenicum Album: Anxiety, restlessness, unable to lie down because of feeling of suffocation shortly after midnight.
Carbo Vegetabilis: Asthma attack occurs after long, spasmodic coughing spell with gagging or vomiting; patient feels worst after eating or talking; worse in the evening.
Ipecacuanha: Sudden onset of wheezing and feeling of suffocation; coughs constantly, but unable to bring up mucus; feeling of weight on chest.
Nux Vomica: Attack often follows stomach upset with much belching; patient very irritable.
Note: Seek medical attention immediately for any severe shortness of breath, and if shortness of breath is accompanied by severe sort throat with difficulty in swallowing, or if you notice that a wheezing child is drooling a great deal.
Medicines for Asthma Attack
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