Diarrhea (Dog/Canine)
Most dog owners have dealt with doggie diarrhea at some point or another. Perhaps during a food/diet transition, perhaps due to stress, or perhaps due to the warm summer weather. Try these remedies the next time your four-legged friend comes down with the runs to bring him some fast relief:
Arsenicum Album: Diarrhea related to whether or diet changes; dogs are often chilly and may be nauseated.
Kali Bichromicum: Summer diarrhea, foamy stools or may be yellow, worse in the morning. The dog may vomit mucus.
Natrum Muriaticum And Phosphoric Acid: Profuse, painless diarrhea with or without debility, worse from hot weather or grief.
Pulsatilla: Painless, changeable diarrhea, worse from warmth and rich food.
Staphysagria: summer diarrhea, worse after surgical procedures.
Sulphur: Foul-smelling diarrhea, often in the morning.
Medicines for Diarrhea (Dog/Canine)
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