
Frostbite is the body’s way of protecting itself from hypothermia and can range from mild to severe. In mild frostbite the skin looks cold and can be numb and stiff. It’s uncomfortable but doesn’t lead to permanent damage. In second degree frostbite the skin turns white or blue and feels hard and frozen. In severe frostbite the skin turns white, blue, or mottled. In severe cases a damaged area may need to be amputated. However, there are several remedies that can be used to quickly heal mild cases of frostbite at home. More severe cases require immediate medical attention.

Agaricus Muscarius: This is the most common frostbite remedy. The person may feel like hot or cold needles are piercing him. The frostbite can itch and burn, sometimes intolerably, and the pains may be accompanied by a sensation of cold, numbness, and tingling. There may be trembling and/or twitching. The symptoms may appear diagonally, such as right hand and left foot.

Carbo Vegetabilis: This person may be very sick. He may appear blue, icy-cold, weak, and exhausted. His limbs may feel heavy, stiff, and paralyzed. Although he is terribly cold, he may want the window open or a fan pointed at him. He feels he needs the air in order to breathe.

Nitric Acid: The pain of frostbite has a characteristic sticking quality, like pain from a splinter. This person is extremely sensitive to pain. He will not want anyone to touch or move the painful area. He may appear irritable and anxious about his health.

Nux Moschata: The skin will feel cold, dry, and may have bluish spots. The person may appear very drowsy and seem a little bewildered. Though his mouth and throat will be dry, he is characteristically thirstless.

Petroleum: People needing this remedy tend to have skin that cracks in the wintertime. The skin feels thick, tight, and hard. There can be swelling of the extremities with painful cracks or splits in the skin, accompanied by a burning sensation, itching, tingling, and/or numbness. The skin may also appear purple.

Pulsatilla: The pain can be shifting in intensity and location. For example, the person may complain of burning in the fingers and throbbing in the toes. The pain is worse if the affected part is hanging down. The person may be weepy and frightened, seeking comfort and sympathy.

Silica Terra: The person needing this remedy tends to get cold very quickly. You may find him wrapped in blankets sitting by the fire, even if it’s not terribly cold out. Although his feet may feel icy cold, they may be very sweaty. The skin appears delicate, pale, and waxy.

Zincum Metallicum: The frostbitten area will appear swollen and painful, and feels much worse if you rub it. The tip of the nose is easily frostbitten and will remain red long after it has been frostbitten. The affected areas can feel weak and may tremble and twitch. This person may appear confused and is likely to complain about their discomfort.

Medicines for Frostbite

Disclaimer: Description is only paragraphed based on the experience of homeopathic doctors as published in Materia Medica Book of Homeopathy. This is not a medico-legal prescription. Take 200 CH potency of dilutions once in a day empty stomach, but we recommend you to consult a doctor on how much to take and how often to take a remedy. Views and Medicines prescribed in videos are own thoughts of doctors, Medicines Mall doesn’t take responsibility for the expressed views.

Self-medication can be dangerous, Consult your doctor before taking medicine.
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