Hemorrhoids and Constipation (during pregnancy)

Horomonal changes that relax the muscles of your pelvis in preparation for labor can slow down digestion, while your growing uterus puts pressure on the other organs and veins. This can make you prone to constipation and hemorrhoids. Along with drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, one of the following remedies may help:

Hamamelis: This is a good remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids that protrude, pulsate, and itch. Varicose veins may appear on the abdomen and legs along with ankle swelling after being on your feet all day. The varicose veins are especially worse with heat and may impair your ability to walk. You may also have nosebleeds.

Lycopodium: Your inflamed, achy hemorrhoids are painful when touched, and may bleed. Stools are large, hard, difficult to pass, with a burning sensation afterwards. You crave sweets; have bloating and much gas; are hungry but easily full. Constipation is worse after travel. You may be generally mil-tempered but bossy and domineering at home.

Sepia: Your abdomen feels bloated and full. Ineffectual urges and straining with bowel movements lead to hemorrhoids and varicose veins. You may have a sagging feeling in the pelvis. You may be worn out from previous births or the demands of the household.

Medicines for Hemorrhoids and Constipation (during pregnancy)

Disclaimer: Description is only paragraphed based on the experience of homeopathic doctors as published in Materia Medica Book of Homeopathy. This is not a medico-legal prescription. Take 200 CH potency of dilutions once in a day empty stomach, but we recommend you to consult a doctor on how much to take and how often to take a remedy. Views and Medicines prescribed in videos are own thoughts of doctors, Medicines Mall doesn’t take responsibility for the expressed views.Self-medication can be dangerous, Consult your doctor before taking medicine.
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