Insect Bites and Stings
There are two main remedies for appropriate for most inestct bites and stings and you should find them in any homeopathic kit:
Apis Mellifica: This remedy is not just for beestings, but for any insect bite with swelling. The bites feel better from cold applications.
Ledum Palustre: For insect bites or stings of any kind without significant swelling, including mosquito, flea, or tick bites.
The following remedies are less commonly needed for insect bites and stings and rarely found in standard homeopathic kits:
Androctonus: This is the first choice for scorpion bites; otehrwise, use Ledum.
Carbolic Acid: This is for anaphylactic reactions or collapse after bee or wasp stings, with hives all over teh body and dangerous swelling of the face, tongue, and throat.
Medicines for Insect Bites and Stings
Self-medication can be dangerous, Consult your doctor before taking medicine.
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