Kennel Cough

This contagious viral or bacterial infection affecting the upper airway is readily transmitted between animals that have been confined together, particularly if they are stressed. Dogs have a honking or barking cough may have nasal discharge, and may vomit food because the cough is so violent, although they generally do not feel very ill. Try these remedies to calm your dog’s cough and support the healing process:

Ipecacuanha: Violent cough, sounds wet/rattling; the cough may cause vomiting.

Rumex: Harsh painful cough, sounds dry but may bring up mucus; much better from drinking.

Spongia: Cough as if something is in the throat, honking nature, may gag at the end.

Medicines for Kennel Cough

Disclaimer: Description is only paragraphed based on the experience of homeopathic doctors as published in Materia Medica Book of Homeopathy. This is not a medico-legal prescription. Take 200 CH potency of dilutions once in a day empty stomach, but we recommend you to consult a doctor on how much to take and how often to take a remedy. Views and Medicines prescribed in videos are own thoughts of doctors, Medicines Mall doesn’t take responsibility for the expressed views.Self-medication can be dangerous, Consult your doctor before taking medicine.
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