Morning Sickness

There are many natural tips out there to help ease the discomfort and unpleasantness of morning sickness. Try eating a dry cracker before getting out of bed. Avoid rich, high-fat foods. If the nausea is worse when you’re hungry, eat frequently, but in small amounts. Stay hydrated and drink ginger or pepermint tea. One of the following tried-and-true remedies also may help:

Colchicum: You are extremely sensitive to the smell of food and may gag at the very thought of food, particularly the smell of fish and eggs. Your nausea can last all day and is worse from motion. You want carbonated drinks. You prefer to lie with your knees drawn up, since stretching out your legs can cause nausea.

Cocculus Indicus: Your nausea is worse with the thought, smell, and sight of food. You have no appetite, feel fatigued, and tire easily. You feel chilly and your symptoms are worse in the afternoon. Often the nausea is accompanied by vertigo and loss of sleep because of other worries.

Ipecacuanha: Your severe, constant nausea is not even relieved by vomiting. You salivate profusely and may have to spit frequently. (Note: This remedy is homeopathically prepared and diluted Ipecacuanha and is NOT interchangeable with the common drugstore Ipecac used to induce vomiting.)

Nux Vomica: Your nausea is strong, especially in bed on waking, but you’re unable to vomit. You are very hungry, but feel worse after eating, with indigestion and cramping. You may be irritable and oversensitive to noise and light.

Pulsatilla: Your nausea is worse in a warm, stuffy room, better in the open air, and better from walking slowly. You crave rich, sweet, fatty foods, but they make you feel worse. You are not thirsty. You tend to be weepy with changeable moods; you want comfort and reassurance. Eating the wrong foods can bring on headaches with a bursting pain over your eyes.

Sepia: Your nausea is worse from the smell and thought of food. You have a sinking feeling in the stomach that makes you feel faint; eating may relieve it but only temporarily. You crave vinegar and pickles, as well as sweets. You have a sensation of heaviness or sagging in the pelvis. You may feel indifferent to your loved ones because you’re exhausted; but physical exercise makes you feel better overall.

Tabacum: You have incessant nausea that is worse in a warm room and from the smell of tobacco. Intense seasickness or motion sickness in the car that is better in fresh cold air, so the woman may want to open the car window to get the fresh air or go up on the deck of the boat. She wants to uncover the abdomen.

Medicines for Morning Sickness

Disclaimer: Description is only paragraphed based on the experience of homeopathic doctors as published in Materia Medica Book of Homeopathy. This is not a medico-legal prescription. Take 200 CH potency of dilutions once in a day empty stomach, but we recommend you to consult a doctor on how much to take and how often to take a remedy. Views and Medicines prescribed in videos are own thoughts of doctors, Medicines Mall doesn’t take responsibility for the expressed views.Self-medication can be dangerous, Consult your doctor before taking medicine.
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