
The handful of remedies below are often successful in helping people find relief from ulcers. A consultation with a homeopathic professional is recommended for the treatment of chronic ulcers.

Arsenicum Album: Indicated in individuals who are meticulous to a fault, chilly, restless, and obsessed about their health. Their ulcer symptoms are worse from stress and anxiety. The pain may be described as a burning sensation, better from heath and from warm food and drinks.

Kali Bichromicum: Useful for people who like to go into great detail with everything. They also seem to look at the world in black and white and have high moral values, referring often to duty and rules. Sharp, knife-like pains that radiate to the loin, with a sensation of a specific sore spot in the stomach, may accompany their ulcer. The individual also feels as if the entire digestive process has stopped and feels worse immediately after eating.

Mercurius Corrosivus: Suits anxiety-prone, restless individuals who may develop delirium and stupor during illness. These people may feel detached or disconnected from others. Often indicated in chronic, long-standing ulcers with severe pain and sometimes with bleeding, it may be chosen to address ulcers that have gone untreated or have been inappropriately treated.

Mercurius Solubilis: For people who pine for solidity and harmony. The ulcer may give stabbing pain. People who need this remedy are chilly, but also sensitive to heat; they may have weak digestion, with continued hunger. There may be a continued urging or a never-get-done feeling on defacating.

Natrum Phos: For individuals who find it difficult to delegate; they are friendly and caring, but highly self-reliant. They may find it difficult to speak about their problems. Effective in ulcers with sour burping and vomiting.

Nux Vomica: For workaholic people who drive themselves crazy with stress and dietetic excess. They are known as go-getters who thrive on challenges most often entrepreneurs or managers. With the ulcer, they may have abdominal bloating and flatulence. Dietetic overindulgence triggers emotional stress and sleeplessness, often leading to peptic ulcers when the body can no longer cope with the individual’s hectic lifestyle. May be most effective when taken in the evening.

Phosphorus: Best for people who love being the center of attention. These people are oversensitive, artistic, expressive, and affectionate, and give more than they can manage. Their desire for attention can make them dependent on others. Their ulcers tend to be accompanied by flatulence or a distended, bloated feeling in the abdomen, with cramping pain. They feel better from cold food and drink, although they may vomit once it warms up in the stomach.

Robinia: Homeopathic antacid. Addresses peptic ulcers with hyperacidity. Person might have frontal headache accompanied by sour belching and greenish vomiting.

Medicines for Ulcers

Disclaimer: Description is only paragraphed based on the experience of homeopathic doctors as published in Materia Medica Book of Homeopathy. This is not a medico-legal prescription. Take 200 CH potency of dilutions once in a day empty stomach, but we recommend you to consult a doctor on how much to take and how often to take a remedy. Views and Medicines prescribed in videos are own thoughts of doctors, Medicines Mall doesn’t take responsibility for the expressed views.

Self-medication can be dangerous, Consult your doctor before taking medicine.
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