Whooping Cough
Whooping cough cases in the INDIA are rising at what the CDC describes as “an alarming rate”. If your child develops whooping cough, consider one of the following remedies:
Arnica Mont: Every coughing spell is announced with crying.
Arsenicum: When there is great prostration with waxy paleness and coldness of the skin.
Belladonna: The child gets very red in the face with every coughing spell.
Bryonia: Worse with motion. Cough worse after eating or drinking with vomiting.
Carbo Veg: Great exhaustion after every coughing spell, with blueness of the skin, hot head and face. Patient wants to be fanned.
Causticum: A very dry cough remains a long time. Does not get entirely well.
Chamomilla: The cough is dry; child is very fretful, must be carried to be appeased, one red cheek.
Coccus Cacti: Every coughing spell is terminated by spitting of large quantities of ropy mucus.
Cuprum: With every coughing fit, the child coughs itself into a cataleptic fit – it appears as if the child were dead.
Drosera: When the child is worse, particularly after 12AM, with high fever, cough in violent spasmodic spells as if it would suffocate, sometimes bleeding at the nose and mouth.
Hepar Sulphur: When the cough seems complicated with croup; worse towards morning; the cough sounds croupy and it seems as if the patient would choke.
Ipecac: Strangling with the cough till blue in the face.
Lachesis: Child always awakens in a coughing fit; it seems very faint and weak.
Mercurius: The child sweats very much at night. Can bleed from nose and mouth with each coughing spell. Either by day only or by night only, the child ALWAYS has double coughing spells, which are separated by intervals of perfect rest.
Nux Vomica: Hard dry cough with constipation. Worse after 4:00PM. The child becomes blue in the face and bleeds from the nose and mouth.
Pulsatilla: Child is weepy. Cough very loose, with vomiting of mucus; diarrhea; cough worse at night.
Sepia: Cough always much worse in the morning when it is loose and terminates in an effort to vomit.
Squilla: During the cough the child sneezes, waters at the eyes and nose; the child constantly rubs its eyes, nose and face with its fists during the cough.
Medicines for Whooping Cough
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