
If you’ve lost your voice, don’t try to get it back by forcing yourself to be heard! Resting your voice is one of the best ways to speed healing. But whatever you do, don’t whisper-that is harder on your vocal cords than regular speaking. Try not to clear your throat either, since that causes irritation in the vocal folds, too; better to try to swallow instead, or cough, if you must. Also, drink plenty of fluids and try inhaling steam and using humidifiers, which will soothe the irritated vocal cords. Many homeopathic remedies have also been known to help acute laryngitis. Here are some that are used most often:

Aconite: Hoarseness, with sudden onset, especially after exposure to cold, dry wind; from a fright or shock; or from overuse. Restless, fearful, anxious, feverish. Worse at night, after midnight, from cold air, from talking. Dry, short cough with difficulty breathing in.

Argentum Nitricum: Laryngitis of singers or speakers; can become chronic. Sensation of splinter in throat on swallowing. High notes cause a cough. Thick mucus in airways. Continued, vain attempts to swallow; food lodges in throat. Anxious, nervous, impulsive; stage fright. Thirsty. Desires sweets. Better from cool air.

Arum Triphyllum: Hoarseness. Expectoration of much mucus; constant hawking. Throat feels swollen, constricted, burning. Voice uncertain, uncontrollable; cracks, goes to a high pitch, changes pitch. Worse talking, singing; clergyman’s sore throat.

Causticum: Laryngitis from exposure to cold, from paralysis of laryngeal muscles, from overuse in singers, from anger or grief. One of the most commonly used remedies for laryngitis. Chronic hoarseness after acute laryngitis. Raw throat; dry cough makes chest sore; burning. Mucus accumulates that is hard to expectorate. Worse dry cold winds; better damp, wet weather. Worse 3-4 a.m.

Phosphorus: Well known for its use in coughs and bronchitis, this remedy is also frequently indicated in laryngitis. Inflamed, sore, raw larynx; cannot talk due to pain. Loss of voice from prolonged talking. Violent tickling in larynx while speaking. Tickling in throat leads to cough. Worse cold air, emotions, weather changes, talking, laughing, eating warm things. Better cold food, washing with cold water.

Spongia Tosta: Larynx feels dry, burning, constricted, tickling. Early stages of croup. May be accompanied by dry barking cough. Worse at night, from touch, when swallowing, and during sleep. Suffocative feelings. Better warm food and drinks; lying with head low.

Medicines for Laryngitis

Disclaimer: Description is only paragraphed based on the experience of homeopathic doctors as published in Materia Medica Book of Homeopathy. This is not a medico-legal prescription. Take 200 CH potency of dilutions once in a day empty stomach, but we recommend you to consult a doctor on how much to take and how often to take a remedy. Views and Medicines prescribed in videos are own thoughts of doctors, Medicines Mall doesn’t take responsibility for the expressed views.Self-medication can be dangerous, Consult your doctor before taking medicine.
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