Slapped in the Face Disease (Fifth Disease)
Common in kids between the ages of 5 and 15: begins with a low-grade fever/chills with headache, body ache, sore throat, and cold-like symptoms like a runny nose. After these subside, a distinctive rash that looks like a˜slapped cheek’ appears. The rash spreads to the trunk, arm and legs.
Ferrum Phosphoricum: Slow onset; low grade fever; nosebleed.
Chamomilla: Fever stage has flushes of heat in head and face; fiery red rash on face; burning; cold limbs with burning heat of face; perspiration is hot with fever; behavior is key; whining restlessness; wants many things, then refuses them; aversion to touch but wants to be carried; very sensitive to pain; ugly behavior.
Apis Mel: Chill stage of fever: worse from any warm coverings; better open air and from uncovering; heat stage of fever: extremely drowsy with great thirst; barely any perspiration; want cool cloths on red cheeks; slapped’ face looks swollen, shiny and feels stinging & hot (just like a bee sting would look and feel); possibly with sore throat; fear of being alone and possessive of the mother (jealousy).
Medicines for Slapped in the Face Disease (Fifth Disease)
Self-medication can be dangerous, Consult your doctor before taking medicine.
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