Rubella (German Measles)

Rubella (German Measles) Rubella infection may begin with 1-2 days of mild fever (99-100°F, 37.2-37.8°C) and swollen, tender lymph nodes,

Jet Lag

Jet Lag Homeopathy can help you recover from jet lag quickly: Arnica: Wonderful for relieving symptoms of exhaustion and jet


Insomnia Ten Homeopathic Remedies for Simple Insomnia  Coffea cruda – Drinking coffee causes a wakeful, somewhat excited state, and homeopathically prepared


Homesickness Getting away from home can be a true relief for some people, a break from both routine and wearisome

Heat Exhaustion

Heat Exhaustion Homeopathy can be extremely effective in stabilizing an individual and helping them to heal from overheating. Being exposed


Flu The flu can come on suddenly and stop you in your tracks – but there are many homeopathic remedies