
Teething The process of developing and cutting teeth is something we all go through. For many children that process can be


Shingles There are many possible remedies to help a person with shingles. But remember, if you’re treating yourself at home

Pink Eye

Pink Eye It happens to most parents: your child wakes up in the morning with one (or two) gooey, red-eye


Mumps Cases of mumps may start with a fever of up to 103°F (39.4°C), as well as a headache and


Flu The flu can come on suddenly and stop you in your tracks – but there are many homeopathic remedies

Coughs and Colds

Coughs and Colds

Coughs and Colds We all suffer from coughs and colds at one time or another. Sometimes the symptoms are mild

Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox Chickenpox can be uncomfortable and painful (for both the child and the parent) and the only way to